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On demand personalized insurance engine helps you understand options.

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Valued advice helps you get the right coverage with peace of mind

Instant Life Insurance Quote

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Insurance Needs Analysis

The right coverage is based on your situation. Start planning today



We have an easy solution.

Simplicity and Expertise 

Instant Quotes and On Demand Reports

If you’re looking for simplicity and advice – we can help in person, online, or by phone. Digital first mindset? No problem. We offer personalized on demand reports that turn complicated jargon into easy-to-understand visuals – all before you talk to a licensed insurance specialist.

We provide personalized custom presentations of the life insurance options available through our own DIY tools, or on the phone. Using best in class proprietary technology to deliver personalized reports helps you better understand life insurance options, why you may need it, and gives our insurance advisors more time optimizing tailored solutions based on your personal situation. 

Check out our blog, complimentary tools, and resources today!  We love helping ensure you are informed of your options.

Feel Empowered


  • We equip you with the best comprehensive life insurance research tools and data service available in Canada.

  • Starting with Instant Quotes, use the Basic tool it to help you become easily informed.

Focused on you

  • Based on your inputs, personalized on demand reports include objective and impartial information about the suitability of the insurance solution. 

  • Enhance your awareness of life insurance offerings available.
Date of Birth
Gender Male Female
Smoker/ Non-smoker Yes No
Face Amount
Premium Payment
Product Type
Underwriting Risk
powered by GoInsureMe.ca

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